Of course LFS was written for one thread, so unless the patch allows the sim to use multi core CPU's all of our mighty quad and dual cores are pretty much useless... which is why I could see that they are trying to optimize the CPU usage.
Looking into the proverbial crystal ball ... I think LFS will be soaked with attention after the patch, Rockingham and the VW. It will fade sooner than before though, especially when a lot of us are in between iRacing.
Exactly; and when she's bugging the shit out of you. I call that this also qualifies as drinking with company... especialy when the company is all up in your face
I just ran a few laps.
Very complete and informative system. Good work guys.
Great ping too. Would like to see more servers running more than 5 laps - say 20 or 30 (never mind actual racers who don't need a shot of Ritalin to run them). And a FXO/RB4/XRT combo server that actually stuck around.
Good work. Large step for realtime stats and user control
the standard 125Hz @ 8ms USB lag (be it if you use a USB wheel) on top of the 5ms LCD latency, frame buff, frame drops dropping the CPU's response time and vsync's ultra 'uck' lag, 40 or 50ms can probably be added upon your ping time.
Yet, the USB latency can be tweaked down to 500Hz/2ms and 1000Hz/1ms with polling scripts.
Thank god the devs aren't from SimBin. Talk about device to screen latency.
Good stuff
Tire squeal is much more realistic along with the contact sound (wall hit). The 'thud' sound is a nice realistic patch for the original which sounds kind of clunky and low-fidelity.
Actually, it does.
It's 'Wheel Turn Compensation'. Options>Controls and under the 'Wheel Turn Degree' slider. Have had mine set to .30 since my demo days. Just like the Degree's slider, it also helps catch over or understeer; the thing I like about it is that I can catch over/understeer easily and still have precision in the middle of the wheel.
I think he was referring to the lack of fps dips.
Ofcourse after you factor-out multiplayer and just run hot lapping, many PC's have no trouble with the FPS.
Is it just me or does it seem that this car would be par on par with the FXO and RB4 in those videos?
As BL has limited track variations I burned a few minutes, brainstormed and whipped this mspaint BL fantasy variations layout... out.
BL Club starts on the left tight lane of the Paddock Interstate stretch with the other lane being Club's own pit area. The first left turn is a mild to hot speed choke off the interstate down over the blunt hill pitch heading for BL-GP (BL Club's ride down over the bridge may lift a few tires and stomachs) -- through a mildly fast 180* turn leading back under the bridge. Continues as BL-GP until you pass it's start/finish and are forced into a light right and left turn on a concrete pavement patch that slowly chokes further right. The left side is plagued with healthy green quicksand pitched downward threatening to eat it's riders (BL GP's frontstretch (right side) brags this as being a land dug wall) This rough roaded and dynamic part of BL Club makes braking after the speedy front stretch interesting. The end of this piece makes a smooth line transition into the far part of BL GP's T2/chicane and into a small acceleration before a quick zig-zag forcing a light lift on the accelerator. Coming out of the 1/2 chicane you ride down BL GP's slight and quick downcline on the backstretch and get into some speed. Hugging the left side, checking for any other cars amongst, you brake only half way in the latter end through the step out; knocking a cone or two through the uncurbed long right choke. Smooth acceleration through Clubs freshly paved interstate front stretch on-ramp.
I cooked a BL-3, but it didn't seem as interesting as my Club. Just dreaming:monkey:
Good topic too Got me thinking - sorry for going off track.
Made extended cams using the TV D. editor and tried to keep the cameras in lengthy viewable positions so there wouldn't be a lot of camera changing. Some tracks, such as FE, only use 4 cameras.
BL2 (rally)
SO3R (short mid-course)
SO6 (chicane)
Theres no sence to hammer on a guy who has only NFS and rF as realistic driving sims therefor being ill-informed to compare to LFS. Pointless. He apparently needs to stick to the multi-million dollar budgeted gold tooth "simulators" as he doesn't have a clue to the difference.
Searched x10 couldn't find anything.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a way to clip or have free roam beyond and through the track barriers in shift+U mode? I swore this was possible.
Any replies much apprec.
Make sure you change cameras or hit shift+backspace twice. It starts blurred and needs a little kick in the rear to activate the settings for some reason.
Yea, I found that to be true. Even if you soften the bloom to relatively nothing, the lighting itself does appear more realistic. There is a way to turn the contrast up a smidge through the .ini, and that does help a bit for the 'dirty' look. The trick of it is to get the bloom to stick to the light source (in the sky ofcourse) imo that is more realistic than the swiming through a dirty pond type of bloom. There are settings within the .ini that allow this, though one thing affects another and it becomes tricky. I can see the potential in this, it's just got to be implemented correctly and without making you want to squirt Visine in your eyes.
I've got the .ini here that I've been working on. I tried setting the bloom so that it activates mostly when you are shaded by the light source (sun) from buildings, trees and tunnels. Sunset's seem to overact a bit.
Try this and tell me what you think. I tried to keep the bloom in the sky and the track as clear as possible. Tunnels and bridges may make you twacky and cause seasures
Changed my 7900GS for a 8800GT combined with an E6600 stock. Peak FPS increased - minimum is the same. LFS is very cpu intensive probably due to the physics. Put 30 cars with individual physics in one shot and you'd see a top of the liner cpu choke. Same thing for me with CSS online. Best bet is to find an overclockable intel motherboard and cheap c2d and buckoke it with fsb.
Basicaly. It's actualy two G92 GTS's in one. Why they didn't give the G92's a 8900xxx tag is beyond me - unless they plan on card revision within the 9xxx series (naming it 9900GT/GTX/ect) like they did with the 5 and 7 generation. The whole 8 series has become messy and confusing to a joe shmoe walking into Best Buy to pick the old GTS 640mb because, "if it costs more, it's usualy better quality".
I heard the 98GTX is gonna be based on the G92 also, so... if thats true, looks like we'll be waiting for new technology for a while. Hopefully ATI catches up and puts on some pressure again.
If you know that the PSU still works and arent hearing the hard drive churning and arent seeing anything on the monitor when you try to boot, the mobo would be my guess.
Are you looking to buy a processer, ram, videocard, ect. w/ this new setup? Or are you using exhising components?
Yeah, thats a bit hot for idle.
Assuming you have a fan on it, does the fan kick up at these high temps? If you don't, create some fan profiles - clean your case if it's dusty - and get an extra case fan. By no means should a 6200 w/ an onboard fan get that hot.
Depends if it fits you imo. ATI is known for image quality and high power consumption and nV for FPS and low power consumption. They are both priced accordingly to performance so it becomes a question of your CPU and PSU.